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<span>What is the meaning of a design system?</span>
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<p>A Design System is a comprehensive set of standards, documentation, principles, and components that guide the creation of a digital product's user interface (UI).</p>
<p>It acts as a single source of truth for designers, developers, and other stakeholders, ensuring consistency across different parts of a product and even across different products within the same brand. The goal is to accelerate the design and development process, improve user experience, and maintain a coherent visual and functional language.</p>
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<span>Why is it important to use?</span>
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<p>A design system provides consistency, accuracy and a clear path towards a development process keeping teams informed about expected results.</p>
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<span>Who sould use a design system?</span>
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<p>There is no said rule on who can and cannot use a design system. To have a system in place is always useful, however it is recommended for organisations that have a set of products or websites and need to maintain consistency towards them.</p>
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<span>What are components?</span>
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<p>Components are a crucial part of any design system. They are reusable parts of a UI, like buttons, form fields, or navigation menus, and they're defined both in terms of their appearance and their behavior.</p>
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<span>What else is part of a design system?</span>
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<p>A well-structured design system will also include usage guidelines for each component, detailing when and how it should be used. Besides components, a design system often includes standards for layout, typography, color, iconography, and more.</p>
<p>Furthermore, it addresses non-visual factors like accessibility, performance, and localization.</p>