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The login block provides a standardized way for users to authenticate themselves. This is the default login block that must be applied, irrespective if the entity is a ministry or an authority.
It is mandatory to authenticate the user using UAE Pass first. UAE Pass must be the primary option to sign in for a user, and any other method must be offerred as an option, with a message of deprecation coming soon.
Key elements to note
- UAE Pass is the primary authentication method.
- Offerring a legacy login option must include a deprecation notice.
- The logo of the entity must be placed on the login panel only when you embed this login block on a page which has no other logo of the entity.
- If you service portal sits on a sub-domain, then the login page can be a stand along login page with no need for the primary header of the website.
- If you choose to authenticate the user on your website via a modal, you must include the logo.
- Do not offer the option for a user to register on your website. Instead, follow the guide of UAE Pass on how to save the data of a user and on-board the user on the first sign in.
Default login panel
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Sign in with UAE PASS
<p class="text-sm px-6 text-aeblack-800">A single trusted digital identity for all citizens, residents and visitors.</p>
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